


DME 3rd Edition Book4 Stage7(5コマ目)

本日は記録のみ。 本日の講師:Cherry メモ:DME 3rd Edition BOOK4:R=4-7 ; C=7(What would you need to survive if you were shipwrecked on a desert island like Robinson Crusoe?)-8(would you be glad if you had to iron 7 shirts?) これまでの受講記…

DME 3rd Edition Book4 Stage7(3-4コマ目)

本日は記録のみ。 本日の講師:Jessa メモ:DME 3rd Edition BOOK4:R=3-4; C= 4 (How much do they let a square metre of office space for?)- 7 (Which European countries have hardly survived the economic crisis of 2008?) これまでの受講記録 Stage…