


DME 3rd Edition Book4 Stage8(5-6コマ目)

本日は記録のみ。 本日の講師:Cherry メモ: DME 3rd Edition Book 4: R=74-77 ; C=77(do you agree that the price of petrol on Europe is a joke when compared to the price in the USA? )-82(You must do this at once?) これまでの受講記録 Stage期間…

DME 3rd Edition Book4 Stage8(3-4コマ目)

本日は記録のみ。 本日の講師:Cherry メモ: DME 3rd Edition Book 4: R= 70-74 ; C=74(which animal''s best for watching over our houses?)-77(what do you do when someone doesn''t get the joke you are trying to make?) これまでの受講記録 Stage期…

DME 3rd Edition Book4 Stage8(1-2コマ目)

本日は記録のみ。 本日の講師:Cherry メモ: DME 3rd Edition Book 4: R=69-70 ; C=70(Which European countries suffered from enormous economic problems in 2010?)-74(If you go on holiday,who do you ask to watch over your house?) これまでの受講…